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Airport Emergencies:
If you have an emergency, call 911 immediately, and tell them your name, phone number and that you are at the Tri-County Airport in Holmes County (Bonifay), Florida.  State them the nature of the emergency and your exact location on the airport property.

The Airport Manager is Mark Wilson, telephone:

Work: (850) 703-6808                Cell: (850) 281-2239

The airport is manned Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) during normal business hours; the work telephone is forwarded after hours to his cell phone. 

If unavailable, Mark's backup is Ross Statham, Emergency Services Coordinator and TCAA Board Member, telephone (850) 658-3513, or Jack Locke, TCAA Board Chairman, telephone (850) 239-0039.


The two closest hospitals are:

   Northwest Florida Community Hospital (Chipley)      (850) 638-1610

    1360 Brickyard Rd, Chipley, FL 32428


   Doctors Memorial Hospital (Bonifay)                          (850) 547-8000      

   2600 Hospital Dr, Bonifay, FL 32425

Agency Coordination:

The Tri-County Airport has a comprehensive emergency plan for most emergencies, which is on file with local fire and emergency management agencies in Holmes, Washington and Jackson Counties.

The plan designates the Airport Manager as the initial point of contact for all emergencies, backed up by Ross Statham and Jack Locke, above.  The Tri-County Airport Authority works closely with the appropriate federal, state and local fire, emergency management and law enforcement agencies.

Questions?  Contact us.

Tri-County Airport Authority

PO Box 756, Bonifay, FL 32425
1983 Tri-County Airport Road, Bonifay, FL 32425

Mark Wilson, Airport Manager (850) 703-6808

